Tuesday, February 13, 2007

February 13th, 2007 - New Study Area

Got this email from the Student Association yesterday

Opens Monday February 12th, 2007

Located near Library; next to UL

This is an exciting time here within our campus community as we are now
ready to open new student space on our campus. The Student Association
Service Centre is located next to the UL portable and will house the

- Student Association Meeting Room (coming soon)

- Four Club Offices (coming soon)

- 100 seat study area

- Women's Centre (coming soon)

- Food Bank (coming soon)

This space will be open Monday to Friday 9 am to 9 pm. Over the next
few weeks the space will be 100% operational as we will be slowly
opening services and adding great new features to the space such as
wireless Internet, printers, and a lounge for those students who enjoy
studying in comfort.

This brand new space is 100% student focused. Please direct all
inquires to the Student Association Office at (905) 721-0457 or


So from the sounds of it... its a room with 100 chairs and tables, maybe some couches, no printer, and no wireless (not sure about wired) internet... seems like a pretty appealing place to go study... hmmm cause the library is not close by. I'm thinking we should get a McDonalds.

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