Friday, April 06, 2007

UOIT University Of Ontario

Now this may have little relevance to most of you but I'm hoping this will serve more as a review of the school for students that are looking to go to the school and want a students perspective on how the school is, what it has to offer, and anything else they should know about it. I'm going to try and go into as much detail as I can about my personal experiences at the school and also an overall impression. Some of the things I'm going to talk about include my course (commerce), the buildings, the administration, the mobile computing (laptop) program, events, residence, and whatever else I'm going to come up with as I write this. I would like to hear your feedback if you go to UOIT or plan on coming to this university.

My Program - Commerce
Now sometimes when I tell people that I am in the commerce program they look at me with a blank look on their face then spit out the famous "that's like business right?". Yes its like business but it incorporates a very wide range of courses that deal with different aspects of business, economic theory, markets, math in business, building leadership, and making sure your company operates within the limits of the law. My first year gave me a strong understanding of how a business operates in a wide range of markets, how the external world affects the business environment (whole course), and many mathematical approaches to business. If you are looking to start your own business and want to develop a strong business background then commerce is a great direction to head in.

The Buildings
So if you've gotten this far then probably know what and where UOIT is but for those of you who are still wondering wtf I am talking about read this, it should clear up some of the questions. Although prepare yourself if you do decide to come to UOIT to receive an endless supply of question either exactly or closely related to the following: 'UOIT, that's that new university eh', 'Oh, the University of Toronto / Ottawa', 'Where is that?', 'Never heard of it', or 'Is that the one with the college?'. Now back to the buildings... The main buildings used by the university include UA and UB. This is were the majority of your courses will be held unless you are in Eng, god forbid. The university also has courses offered through Trent University and these are usually located in the college buildings. It is weird to describe them as buildings because it makes them sound independent from one another where in fact the university and college is basically one large building with smaller buildings built around it. The library is three stories of quite studying wonderfulness. Its an excellent place to go to get work done because there is little to get distracted with, unless your a book person (wtf?).

The Administration
From my little experience and interaction with the schools administration I would say its always been a good experience with no problems what so ever, they actually found my wallet for me whenever I lost it. Most of your dealings with admin can be dealt with either by e-mail or through their automated systems (tuition payment, course registration etc...). They are quick to reply to e-mail (all under 24hrs for me) and since the university is not as large as others they can take the time to deal with each individual case and make sure a solution has been reached. WebCT is the central hub for information from the university and your primary means of communication with admin, teachers, Ta's, and other students. Throughout the entire year WebCT has only been down once and this was at the beginning of first semester, easily understood.

Mobile Computing
By being apart of UOIT you also get the luxury of having a laptop with you twenty four hours a day, seven days awake. Sure the thought of lugging a laptop around all the time may seem daunting but after a couple of days it becomes more of a convenience than anything. I couldn't think of not having a laptop within access at almost anytime. Now whether that is a good thing or not is another question. The school is served with wireless virtually every where you go within the buildings. I have never had the experience of not being able to get a wireless connection somewhere on campus. The tech support are always very helpful and willing to answer any questions you may have. If something breaks they will most often fix it for free but if they do need to get a part for it then they will charge you a fee. The Rollback software has given lots of people troubles this year and they have decided not to include it in next years image which is a huge bonus!! Next year students are lucky that don't have to deal with that.

E.P Taylor's is the campus pub and is always holding events during the day and at night all through the week. Check out their website for more information about what is going on. There is all ages nights but they usually suck so if your not 19 be sure to try and arrange a fake i.d otherwise you'll be stuck for going out.

At the beginning of the year CampusFest plays host to many greats bands including Cardinal Offishall and Hedley (not great at all but anyways...). I haven't heard any information about CampusFest 07' but when I do I'll be sure to let everyone know.

I lived in South Village for my first year and was happy with it the entire time. The security and front desk won't bother you unless you are breaking something, making too much noise late at night, or underage. Other than that your free to do pretty much whatever you want. Its a time to be enjoyed. That is all...

Hopefully this will help anyone looking for a little more information about UOIT.


Raf said...

Hi Jeff, thanks for your post!

Maybe you could help me out...

I'm a senior high school student in Toronto and I've been accepted to the Energy Systems Engineering program (which I take you'll probably have some comment to make about) and I was wondering what you know of the engineering program at UOIT. (I'm split amongst the allure of UofT's rep and established EngSci program, and UOITs fresh new approach and new facilities)

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

prez said...

Hey Jeff, I am also a high school student in Toronto trying to decide whether engineering at UOIT is the right way to go.

You're blog has the student-insight i've been looking for, so I was wondering if you have any more of that insight regarding engineering/engineer-life at UOIT.

- Mario

Mert said...

im actually a high school student trying to decide whether i should choose UOIT for engineering or not. can you give us more info on how the program is and what the future would be like in case i take engineering at UOIT?

GettingYounger said...

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